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    How much caffeine is too much per day?

    Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world and it is made by brewing ground coffee beans with hot water. After petroleum, coffee is the most traded commodity in the world. In this article, we will delve deeper into the stimulating effect (due to “caffeine”) of coffee and health benefits tied with coffee consumption. Going forward, we discuss more on general daily caffeine limit for a person, and more related interesting facts of caffeine.

    By admin

    February 2nd, 2023


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    How can Pine trees survive in the winter?

    The shape of pine trees increases the light used by the needle-shaped or scale-shaped leaves for photosynthesis. In snowy weather the triangle shape of conifers acts like the slope of a roof, allowing gravity to pull snow off the branches. Furthermore, the sugars in pine tree sap are concentrated in winter to further protect the living cells from damage.

    By admin

    November 16th, 2022


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    Days After Dinosaurs Age

    Dinosaurs endured the worst day of their lives 66 million years ago. A 12 kilometer-wide (7.5 miles) asteroid collided with Earth near the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico. The hit generated an explosion several billion times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb. On the American continent, the majority of animals are slaughtered right away. Tsunamis…

    By admin

    January 3rd, 2022


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    How can fungi cause health problems?

    Fungi cause human illnesses in three different ways: poisonings, parasitic infections, and allergic reactions. Some fungi produce toxic chemicals to protect themselves from parasites and predators. In small amounts, mold spores are harmless, but when they land on a damp spot somewhere in the house, they can start to grow and make house habitats.

    Suchani Shehara
    By Suchani Shehara

    September 4th, 2021


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    Why do we need to sleep?

    During sleep, our body goes through four sleeping stages. This cycle occurs multiple times throughout the time in different lengths. The cycle includes two major phases:

    1. Non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep.
    2. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

    Suchani Shehara
    By Suchani Shehara

    February 23rd, 2021


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    Old People smell

    The specific chemical compound called 2-nonenal gives old smell , which created by the oxidative breakdown of another complex compound overtime. According to researchers, this 2-Nonenal compound tends to increase with aging, and form more unpleasant greasy odor.

    Suchani Shehara
    By Suchani Shehara

    February 7th, 2021


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    Science behind the Goosebumps

    Everyone experiences tiny bumps on the skin that looks like the skin of a plucked bird, called goosebumps.  Goosebumps form for what? In medical terms this phenomenon named piloerection, cutis anserina and horripilation. Most of the time goosebumps form when you are cold. And, they form when you experience a strong emotional feeling like excitement,…

    Suchani Shehara
    By Suchani Shehara

    January 14th, 2021


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    Choosing Good eggs

    Among foods, eggs are the most healthy and nutritious. There are many types of eggs. But the most popular one is that of chicken. Eggs are not only consisting of high-quality protein, they are enriched of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that provide several health benefits. Healthy weight: The protein in eggs helps to stay energized…

    Suchani Shehara
    By Suchani Shehara

    May 24th, 2020


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    Killing animals due to overpopulation?

    In 2019 Australian authorities decided to kill 10,000 camels with snipers. As the feral camels threaten the water and food supplies of indigenous communities, authorities decided to kill 10,000 camels in southern Australia.  They were brought there in mid 1800 s as for aid in exploration. As they are the largest and well survived in…

    Suchani Shehara
    By Suchani Shehara

    April 7th, 2020


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